Master Feed : The Atlantic

Monday, August 29, 2011

Blog #5


Wayne Coyne - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

As heard on NPR’s Morning Edition, February 26, 2007


You can read the essay below or listen to the essay by clicking on the link above.

 Wayne Coyne is a singer and guitarist for The Flaming Lips, an indie-rock band he founded. Coyne believes happiness isn’t a cosmic coincidence, but something we have the power to make within ourselves.

Creating Our Own Happiness

I was sitting in my car at a stoplight intersection listening to the radio. I was, I guess, lost in the moment, thinking how happy I was to be inside my nice warm car. It was cold and windy outside, and I thought, “Life is good.”

Now this was a long light. As I waited, I noticed two people huddled together at the bus stop. To my eyes, they looked uncomfortable; they looked cold and they looked poor. Their coats looked like they came from a thrift store. They weren’t wearing stuff from The Gap. I knew it because I’d been there.

This couple seemed to be doing their best to keep warm. They were huddled together and I thought to myself, “Oh, those poor people in that punishing wind.”

But then I saw their faces. Yes, they were huddling, but they were also laughing. They looked to be sharing a good joke, and, suddenly, instead of pitying them, I envied them. I thought, “Huh, what’s so funny?” They didn’t seem to notice the wind. They weren’t worried about their clothes. They weren’t looking at my car thinking, “I wish I had that.”

You know how a single moment can feel like an hour? Well, in that moment, I realized I had assumed this couple needed my pity, but they didn’t. I assumed things were all bad for them, but they weren’t and I understood we all have the power to make moments of happiness happen.

Now maybe that’s easy for me to say. I feel lucky to have fans around the world, a house with a roof, and a wife who puts up with me. But I must say I felt this way even when I was working at Long John Silver’s. I worked there for eleven years as a fry cook. When you work at a place that long, you see teenagers coming in on their first dates; then they’re married; then they’re bringing in their kids. You witness whole sections of people’s lives.

In the beginning it seemed like a dead-end job. But at least I had a job. And frankly, it was easy. After two weeks, I knew all I needed to know, and it freed my mind. The job allowed me to dream about what my life could become. The first year I worked there, we got robbed. I lay on the floor; I thought I was going to die. I didn’t think I stood a chance. But everything turned out all right. A lot of people look at life as a series of miserable tasks but after that, I didn’t.

I believe this is something all of us can do: Try to be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living. Happiness is not a situation to be longed for, or a convergence of lucky happenstance. Through the power of our own minds, we can help ourselves. This I believe.

Wayne Coyne is singer and guitarist for the Grammy Award-winning rock band, The Flaming Lips. He wrote and directed “Christmas on Mars," a science-fiction film featuring the group. Coyne and his wife, Michelle, a photographer, live in Oklahoma City.
Now read this next essay from This I Believe website and be thinking about what the two essays have in common or how they are different in terms of happiness.   (There is no audio for this essay)
By Aaron - Huntington, West Virginia   (high school author)
Entered on December 2, 2005
                                       Happiness is a Choice
When we are young children, one of the first lessons we are taught is to “play fair”. We are taught to share and treat others as we would like to be treated, “The Golden Rule”. We then expect that if we treat others fairly, we will be treated fairly. As we mature we discover that regardless how fair we treat people, life is not fair. As we confront issues in our lives and realize things are not always just, it is important to have a positive attitude and choose to be happy. While social unjust should not be endured, physical impairments must be accepted to be overcome.
In some way I feel that life has been rather unfair to me from the beginning. I was born with an extreme visually impairment. I use a long cane to travel and read Braille as my preferred school medium. The print textbook for my math class is only one book, while the Braille version is fifty-one bulky volumes. I learned early in my education that I might have to work harder than the other students in certain areas. I tend to have more homework, so when other students are playing video games and watching television, I am doing homework. For years I would complain, “It’s not fair!” to my mother to which she would reply, “Well Aaron–.Life isn’t fair”. Throughout my life I have found this to be true at times, and have accepted it as a fact and moved past it.
I have made the choice to be happy in my life. Although I have much school work to complete, I am able to go to school with my friends and live at home instead of being sent to a school for the blind eight hours away. Instead of looking at the things in my life that get me down, I try to focus on the blessings God has given me. I have been blessed with an excellent memory ability which has aided me in remembering vast amounts of information for my school work. Support from my immediate and extended family as well as friends, teachers, and organizations have been more than one can fathom.
I believe that being happy is a choice you make. I was on the wrestling team at my middle school for three years. Instead of focusing on the fact that I never won a match for the first two years, I enjoyed being part of the team and participating in a sport like the other students. Currently I’m on my high school swim team and perform with the High School Jazz band.
Everyone has times in their lives that are not fair. A broken family, an ill parent, or too little money may make life seem unfair. Having a positive attitude and being thankful for the blessings you are given is the key to being happy. Life is not perfect for anyone. It is only in dealing with the “unfairness” of our lives that enriches the life we live. Sometimes we are the bug, something we are the windshield. Life cannot be perfect. If it were perfect, there would be nothing to live for.
 Respond by Sunday, Sept. 4th. to me where you compare and/or contrast the two essays above IN PARAGRAPH FORMAT.  Then in another paragraph, state your beliefs about happiness. 
1.) Make sure to include at least one direct quote. 
2.) Make sure to reference both of the authors by name when you discuss their views.
Please note that your first paragraph response is not if you agree or disagree with either author.  Your response is to find those things that are similar or different between the two essays.  After you compare the two authors, then you can discuss your feelings on the topic of happiness in a separate paragraph.
This response should be two very well developed paragraphs.  Remember to use transition words and to lead in before you write a direct quote.  Never start a sentence with a direct quote.
This time you do not need to respond to two classmates:>)


  1. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    I would like to point out some of the similarities and differences between these two authors and their ideas of happiness. Both essays share the same concept of obtaining happiness even when times get rough. The difference between the two authors is that Coyne had a much better life but would suffer every now and again; however the author of “Happiness is a Choice” had a much harder life than Coyne since he had to suffer growing up blind. Coyne believed that happiness can be achieved by “being happy within the context of the life we’re actually living”, while the other author believed that happiness, can be achieved by choosing to be happy and being thankful for the things you have.

    As for me I have a different perspective of happiness than the authors. For me I have always been naturally happy ever since I was a little child, and growing up. Even in my present years when I don’t try to smile I still end up smiling because I’m prone to being naturally happy, even when times are at their roughest I still end up finding happiness in the end. Happiness is a natural thing, no matter what you do to hide it always comes back to you like karma, and when you see someone else smiling and being happy you can’t help but smile with them, it’s like a contagious disease (a rather pleasant one I might add). So whenever you are down happiness will always come to you, and you will know when happiness comes to you when start to feel a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside your heart.


    Spenser T.
    Period 6.

  2. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    I want to point out that both essays have a lot of similarities but not that many differences. They both talk about how to be happy even at our worst times. The only difference is the Coyne wouldn't mind a little suffering in his life because he thinks his life is a little too perfect for him when he sees other people suffer. The author from "Happiness is a Choice" had a harder life then the author Coyne and this author would rather be happy all the time then having to suffer more to be happy all the time. The author Coyne says, " being happy withing the context of the life we're actually living", while the author from "Happiness is a Choice" believer that happiness is achieved by choosing to be happy and being thankful for the things you have.
    Kehaulani Relacion pd.6

  3. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    After reading this essays it made me look at being happy from a whole different perspective. From what I think happiness is that you just have to live the life you have and live it to the fullest. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you love to do and don't let anyone hold you back from what you really want. Go till your fullest potentially and always push yourself to try new things. Happiness is pretty much a natural thing for all of us. We just need to go through some rough times but in the end everyone will be happy in their own way even if its not in the same way as you.
    Kehaulani Relacion pd.6

  4. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Both these essays have lots of similarities and differences between them. Both authors talk about how you should be happy even when times get rough. However the way to go about upon this is how both authors differ. Coyne believes that happiness just happens and that"Happiness is not a situation to be longed for", he means dont try to bring happiness upon yourself it will just come. The author of "Happiness Is A Choice" believes that life is not perfect and things happen but, you just always got to be positive and find happiness. Sincerely, Lawson Fernandes Pd. 5

  5. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    After reading these essays i have decided what my meaning of happiness is. To me happiness is being able to not worry about your school work, your job, or money. It it being able to relax and enjoy life be free, go places, and follow your heart. Happiness is loving who you are and who the people around you are. It means no worries. it means no stress. It means smiling. It means joy. It means excitement. It means laughing. It means loving. It means living. Sincerely, Lawson Fernandes Pd. 5

  6. Dear Mrs. Carlson,

    After reading these two essays I found that they both have similarities and differences. For one similarity they both talk about happiness when our times go in the wrong direction. However, Conan said " Happiness is not a situation to be longed for, or a convergence of lucky happenstance." Or in other words it means don't wait for it because it will happen or come. The author of "Happiness is a Choice" says that "I believe that being happy is a choice you make." I think that he means that you must make happiness come true.

    Ken Miyata Period 5

  7. Dear Mrs. Carlson,

    After reading these two essays. I believe that happiness is a choice that you can make, such as doing hobbies or something that you enjoy. Also I think that it should be something that makes you smile and gives you a happy feeling inside of you. Lastly if you find happiness it can wash all of the bad things in your mind

    Ken Miyata Period 5

  8. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Both essays talk about being happy in even the most roughest times. In creating our own happiness it talks about finding happiness in everything you do. However there are differences between the two authors. The author’s views of happiness are different, probably due to their different life experiences. The author of “Happiness is a Choice” had a much harder life than Coyne since he had to suffer growing up blind while Coyne had an ‘average’ life. Coyne believes that by trying to be “happy within the context of the life we’re actually living.” we can achieve happiness. The other author believes that by choosing to be happy and being thankful for the things you have you will be happy.

    My perspective of happiness is sort of a mix between the author‘s views. I believe that happiness is when you are content with our life and all that’s in it. I also think that happiness is a choice in some ways too. no matter if you choose to be happy or not you still have to work at it. You can choose to be content but even so happiness doesn’t just fall out of the sky. So happiness is basically a combination of content in one’s life, one’s choices, and one’s work to achieve the happiness that we all crave.
    Jaxey c pd.6

  9. Dr. Ms Carlson,
    both essays have a lot of similarites barley have any differences. both essays talk about being happy even when we our having our rough days. The only difference is the Coyne would let himself suffer in life at times because he thinks his life is a little to perfect. The author for "happines is a choice" had a harder life then author Coyne and this author would rather be happy then suffer more to be happy all the time. Author Coyne says, "being happy within the context of the life we're actually living", while the author from "Happiness is a Choice" "believe that happiness is achieved by choosing to be happy and being thankful for the things you have."

    After reading both essays it made me look at being happy in a different way. when i think happiness i think living life to the fullest, and not letting others tell you, you can't do what you want to do. though happiness us not an everyday thing. but when going through those rough times, it'll all pay off and you'll be happy knowing there will always be tomorrow.
    Erika pd 4

  10. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    These two essays have many similarities but only a few differences. Coyne talks about how he is happy because of all the materialistic things he has in life. I like when Coyne said, "we all have the power to make moments of happiness happen."because it is true. In the second essay by Aaron he has a more positive view of life even though he is blind and had things rough from the start. He chooses to be happy rather than unhappy. I like when he said, "Life is not perfect for anyone. " because even though everything is not perfect it does not mean you can be happy and make things close to perfect.

  11. Dear Ms Carlson,
    After reading both essays i believe that it is always better to be happy than unhappy because life is so short and it should be lived to the fullest. You may not have all the glory and money but you do not need those materialistic things to be happy. Life is what you make of it and you get what you put into your life. Everything will come out good in the end for you.
    Sincerely, Kaleilani Perry Pd2

  12. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    After reading the two essays. I have read both of them about happiness, and being able to be happy about life. The differences about the two essays was that on Wayne Coynes essay, he said that happiness is everywhere and anyone can have happiness and he said "we all have power to make happiness." The other essay, by Aaron was talking about how to choose happuiness even when everything seems unfair, like when he said "I made the choice to be happy."

    Derek Yamane

  13. dear ms.Carlson
    from what i read from the two essays were that happiness is all up to your self in anything you want should also do what ever makes you happy and makes you smile.

  14. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    Both authors suggest the we ourselves control our own happiness. The first author, Wayne Coyne wrote, "...I understood we all have the power to make moments of happiness happen." The second author, Aaron believes that "being happy is a choice you make." They have both come to the conclusion that happiness is a choice and we haven't the right to complain of our circumstances. However, Coyne learned to move past the assumption that others were unhappy based on outward appearance, while Aaron learned to quit pitying himself and to take control of his situation. Both authors emphasize one's power to alter one's own state of mind, and that perspective makes all the difference.

    I, too, believe that happiness is in our own control. We can blame and we can complain of our circumstances, or we can grasp reality and alter our outlook. Happiness is completely psychological, so there is no other explanation than self control when is comes to contentedness. Blaming outside sources and experiences for the way we view the world doesn't work anymore. Only when we focus on a blissful goal can we achieve it.

    Lisetanne Sterling Scherschel

  15. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Both tidbits are somewhat the same in meaning, but in actuality they do differ. The first talks about a man being happy about all things he has, after a life-death experience. The other mostly reffers to the person being taught to be grateful, no matter what. And to always appreciate what you have before hand. I liked this blog, it has spoke out to me in such a good way.

    Nahealani Quereto

  16. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    what i feel about the two essays is saying you have to be happy, but they are both different in good ways. In Wayne Coynes essay,he said that happiness is everywhere and anyone can have happiness and he said "we all have power to make happiness." The other essay, by Aaron, was talking about how to choose happiness even when everything seems unfair, like when he said "I made the choice to be happy."

    Chas Pham

  17. Dear Ms.Carlson

    Both stories have somewhat the same meaning the first talks about the man who's happy for all that he has because of his near death experience. While the second one talks more about appreciating what you already have before. This was a interesting blog because it captured my attention in two different formats.

    Daniel Reis

  18. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Both of the authors are talking about happiness from their point of view. They don't look at it from another persons point but from their own opinion. The first author was talking about how you can create happiness from the simplest thing ever. Even while being stuck on the side of the road during the most horrible weather, you can still be happy if you have someone to share it with. The other author is talking about how you can choose whether to be happy or not. He's saying its kinda like a life choice. "I believe that being happy is a choice you make" said author #2. So in my opinion, I agree with both of them. You can create happiness by just doing nothing at first but then turn it into something great! Also you can chose to be happy or mad. So when applying both authors perspectives, they both know the way you can ad will be happy you just have to find the most simplest things that can make you happy:)

  19. Dear Ken Miyata,
    i agree with you Mr. Miyagi. happiness is something we can choose, not some thing that isnt done for us. i feel the same way about your comment.

  20. That was a pretty cool especially the listening to the radio part, I like to list to music at a stop light too.

  21. Dear Ms. Carlson
    this essay made me really rethink the way i look at life it made me realize that we only have a short time here and we need to make the best of every moment and live life to its fullest.

  22. Dear Geordan Gray
    i agree with you because i dont think we should let what anyone this affect what we want to do. if there is something that makes us happy then we should do it. we have only one life to live and we should spend it happy

  23. Dear Ms. Carlson.
    I agree with both authors. You should always be happy no matter what life throws at you. because happiness is everywhere and if you stay happy you will always find another way to be happy or happier.

  24. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Both authors of these essays, Wayne Coyne and Aaron, are discussing the topic of happiness. As Coyne explains, you have to "try to be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living." He discusses how he found happiness in his life by giving brief examples and how he looks at life his way. Although both essays have the same topic, Aaron's essay talks about how he found happiness disregarding the trials in his life and discusses how any person can find their own happiness, despite their own problems.

    Happiness is an essential part of life that we all need. I feel no matter what the situation is, everyone should look past the negatives and focus on the big picture. If everyone was happy, the world would be a better place.

    Kahealani Ta'a
    period 2

  25. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    After reading these essays I can point out some of the similarities and differences between these two authors and their ideas of happiness. Both essays share the same concept of keeping happiness even when times get rough. The difference between the two authors is that Coyne had a much better life but would suffer every now and again; however the author of “Happiness is a Choice” had a much harder life than Coyne since he had to suffer growing up blind. This helps me to see that everyone has a different life. Coyne believed that happiness can be achieved by “being happy within the context of the life we’re actually living”, while the other author believed that happiness, can be achieved by choosing to be happy and being thankful for the things you have. Basically saying that what you have in life should not control your happiness but let who you are.
    Personally I have a different perspective of happiness than the authors. For me I have always been naturally happy ever since I was young. Even now when I don’t feel happy I still end up smiling because I’m prone a natural happy person, even when times are at their roughest I still end up finding happiness in the end. Happiness is a natural thing, no matter what you do to hide it always comes back to you like karma comes around and has its revenge. To me a smile is like a contagious disease. So whenever you are down happiness will always come to you, and you will know when happiness comes to you when start to feel a warm fuzzy feeling deep inside your heart. Happiness is a natural thing don’t hide it and live your life to the fullest.
    Alexa Thompson Pd. 5

  26. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    After reading these essays, I figured out that the similarities that they have are that they are both about being happy even when times are tough. However, the differences are that Coyne talks about happiness in a couple living through the hardships of life and how he lived and "average" life while Aaron talks about the hardships that he lived through growing up as a blind child and how he how he chose to make his own happiness. In my opinion, I think that the quote "Life is not perfect for anyone" in Aaron's essay was very true because no one goes through life always happy. There will always be a time where you're not happy in life and I believe that.

    Personally, I have to agree and disagree with the way that the authors perspective of happiness because there are people who are "sheltered" enough to be always happy and live a "perfect" life however, for those people, is the happiness they feel true happiness? Also, for people who need to "create" their own happiness, they always think things like "I want this" or "I want that" and never take the time to think about their happiness that can be created through just effort alone. In my opinion, I think that happiness isn't something that people can just create or are born with. I think happiness is something that comes to you by faith, I also think that it is EXTREMELY rare to experience true happiness. I think people who say they experience that are wrong because if there was true happiness then they would never feel pain again, But that's just what I think.

    "Kirakai" Momohara Pd. 2

  27. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    Wayne Coyne and Aaron, wrote on the topic of happiness. Coyne wrote, "try to be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living." Wayne explains how he found things in his life to be happy about. Both essays talk about happiness but, Aaron's passage is about how he found happiness even though he had troubles, and problems and all that bad stuff.

    We all need happiness in our lives. You have to try to be happy despite the fact we do have problems and hardships. Think positive, find your own happiness and never let it go.


    Robert Soares pd4

  28. Dear Ms Carlson

    I am going to point out some of the similarities between these two essays. First of all, both Coyne and Aaron agree that you can always find happiness, no matter what your life situation is. For example, Wayne Coyne states "I believe this is something all of us can do: Try to be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living." And in comparison, in Aaron's essay he states "I have made the choice to be happy in my life" because although he is legally blind, he still choses happiness. Both of these statements suggest that even though life isn't always peachy, it is ultimately your choice to be happy or not. There are some differences in each of these essays and they are that Coyne speaks about seeing happiness in people he has no relationship with, and Aaron speaks about being happy even though he cannot see.

    I believe that happiness is something that nobody else has control over but yourself. There are times when things are hard, but in the end, you can either take the bad out of the situation and let it get to you, or you can take the good out of the situation and move on with life. Happiness is about acceptance. Accepting the good the bad and the ugly. Taking it all in and realizing that this is life, and your best shot would be to just smile and move on with it.

    Evangeline Cook pd 5

  29. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    These two essays have a lot of similarities but not that many differences. Both essays talk about how to be happy even at our worst times in life. The only difference is that Coyne wouldn't mind a little suffering in his life, because he thinks his life is just a little to perfect for him especially when he sees other people in pain. The author from "Happiness is a Choice" had a harder life then Coyne. This author would rather be happy all the time. Author Coyne says, " being happy withing the context of the life we're actually living". When the author from "Happiness is a Choice" believes that happiness is met by choosing to be happy, and thankful for all the things we have in our precious lives.
    Adarah Fujita Pd.2

  30. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    After reading these essays it made me look at being happy from a whole different perspective. Happiness will only be as good as we make it, we are the only one who can control these types of things. To be thankful and appreciative and enjoy everyday that god blesses us with. Don't let anyone stop you from doing what you would like to do or achieve in life. Reach your fullest potential and always push yourself to try new things, or to get better at something. Happiness is something we all need in this simple word we call life. Without happiness you will only find yourself in much misery.
    Adarah Fujita Pd.2

  31. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    These two essays are very similar to each other. Both essays talk about happiness and that we can choose to be happy even during those hard times in life. Coyne said: "...We all have the power to make moments of happiness happen." While the author of "Happiness is a Choice" said: "I believe that being happy is a choice you make." To me, both of these quotes mean the same thing. It means that if you're in a tough situation, you can choose whether or not you want to look at the negative side, or the positive side of things. It's completely up to you.

    I believe that happiness can be found in any life situation, but it's your choice whether or not to look at the bright side of any situation and be happy. Sure, life may be a punk and slap you right in the face, but sometimes you need to go through the pain in order to experience the joy that follows.

    Kierstyn Oshita
    Pd. 2

  32. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    In the two essay's they both are talking about how they are thankful for what they have. In the first essay by Wayne Coyne, he said:In the beginning it seemed like a dead-end job. But at least I had a job." He was thankful for a job. In the second essay by Aaron he said:"I try to focus on the blessings God has given me. I have been blessed with an excellent memory ability which has aided me in remembering vast amounts of information for my school work." which also proves that he was thankful for what he had. They had both said that happiness is something that you can choose to have.
    I believe that happiness is something that you can choose to have. If you think that your life is never going to get better, then that's what's going to happen. But if you make the best of what you have and think positively then the light at the end of the tunnel will surely be showwn.
    Kara Higa P.d 5

  33. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    In my opinion, both paragraphs are more different then similar. Yes, both of the essays do talk about happiness in general but that is just too broad. However, they talk about it in different views. When the author of Creating our own happiness says "They looked to be sharing a good joke, and, suddenly, instead of pitying them, I envied them. I thought, “Huh, what’s so funny?” it makes me realize that although this is a first person point of view, he only thinks about happiness when he see the predicament the 2 people are in. Whereas, when the author of Happiness is a choice says "For years I would complain, “It’s not fair!” to my mother to which she would reply, “Well Aaron–.Life isn’t fair”. Throughout my life I have found this to be true at times, and have accepted it as a fact and moved past it" this makes me realize that He experienced it. he was the unhappy one that had to go through it all. So, the first essay talked about the incident when he SAW people unhappy and the second essay was when HE was the one, that experienced unhappiness due to his condition.

    I do agree with what both of the authors had to say. That no matter the circumstances, if you SEE someone unhappy or if YOU'RE the one unhappy, you choose what goes on from there. That you deal with it in the positive way that when things are rough you know how to handle it and make the best of what you have. And also, to be blessed and absolutely lucky to have what you have in life, even if you think its not much.

    Penny Keough period 5

  34. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    After reading both essays it made me think a lot about being happy, being happy is about being around the people you love and also it doesnt mean if you have everything in the world you will be happy but its not true. Both essays talks about happiness and in the first essay Coyne states that he is jealous at those couple that was in the wind because they were happy and was not giving him the attention. In the second essay BY Aron Huntington is talking about how we were young and tought to play fair but the thing that really caught my attention was that he said " I believe being happy is a choice you make" and this is true because if you want to be happy you have to make yourself happy.

    Sincerely by syndreck dsio Pd.2

  35. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    In both essay, both authors are talking about happiness.Though they both talk about happiness, the first essay talked about how one should create his own happiness. While the second was about the author, himself, who had learned about happiness through his own difficulties. In the first essay, the point of view is in first person and is experience through Coyne's eyes. That when Coyne was driving and he saw a couple that he thought he should be piting, but in actuallity the couple didn't need to be pitied as they were happy. The second author talked about obtaining happiness through the hardship that he had to go through. And though unlike how Coyne's essay was written in first person point of view. the second essay may have used a first person point of view, but another point of view as well. We realize as we read Aaron's essay that he had gone through hardship until he finally gotten that piece of happiness. After all, he was blind and had to learn through a different method by reading braille when he couldn't read out of a regular book and that he had to learn at a harder level to keep up with his classmates. So though the two essay is about happiness, they are highly different from one another.

    When I read the two essays, I thought that both essays was right. After all the two ways of obtaining happiness goes hand in hand. We go through hardship in order to create our own happiness. So I thought that when Coyne said, "I envied them," that everyone at least once in their life envies another for the happiness they had obtained through the simple joys of life they had gotten. After all, the couple was sitting in the wind as if it was nothing and enjoying each other's company, while Coyne was in the car by himself. Then when the author's mother imt he second essay said, "Well, Aaron-- Life isn't fair." I felt a connection with what his mother had said to him. Because I know that life can't be fair, but everyone still tries to obtain that little happiness that they make for themselves. And by making though the hardship that we face, we can obtain or create some semibalance of happiness. Or that is what I think at least.

    Jessica "Sora" Pasadava

  36. Dear Ms. Carlson
    Both of these essays are talking about happiness but have some similarities and differences. Coyne said the you have to "try to be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living." And that happiness is within you. Aaron said "I try to focus on the blessings God has given me." like his memory ability. Aaron looks at all the blessings he was given and doesn't complain about his physical impairment. But both of these essays say that happiness is a choice.

    I think happiness is when you do what makes you happy and You should be thankful for what you have because nobody is perfect.

    Vance Kamibayashi pd2

  37. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    In the essay "Creating Our Own Happiness", written by Wayne Coyne, is a story from his life that showed him that we can be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living. He quoted in the last paragraph he said, happiness is not a situation to be longed for, or a convergence of lucky happenstance. Through the power of our own minds, we can help ourselves. He's trying to say we can help ourselves by look at the happy side of things.

    In the second essay, "Happiness Is A Choice", written by Aaron. This essay contrasts the essay written by Wayne, because in this essay it's showing the readers that being happy is our choice. In paragraph 5 it says "Life is not perfect for anyone. It is only in dealing with the “unfairness” of our lives that enriches the life we live." He's showing us that we have to LOOK for this happiness. Life is unfair, the world is unfair. If we look at the good side of things it can change the whole way we look at things. With that being, we can be happy.

    Sincerely, Jordan Vernola. Pd. 5

  38. Dear, Ms Carlson

    Im going to have to agree with penny here. Both essays basically both talk about the same basic concept of happiness or from there point of view of what makes them happy. And which of sometimes does work for some others. I feel like when he says "Life is good" in the first essay, and talking about the top down and wind and what not is his perspective. And in the second essay when the author says "The golden rule" he is living off of his basic own concept of living. Centering it or something.

    For me happiness is based upon being around People that you love. And also dreams. Because even the thought of your dreams and the journey to reach them makes life that much more worth living.

  39. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Both essays are similar because they both talk about how happiness can come to you and be found. They are different in the way that they tell you how each one works. I agree more so with the first essay because i also think that happiness will find you when times are bad.
    Sincerely Anthony Aiwohi pd.6

  40. Dear Ms. Carlson
    I totally agree with what both of these authors are saying - they are pretty much saying the same thing. Wayne was saying that you have the power to be happy or sad at anytime. When Wayne says "We all have the power to make moments of happiness happen" really spoke to me. That couple was in the freezing cold and they were able to have a happy moment despite the fact. I think that's how life should be lived.
    The point of Aaron's essay really spoke to me. The point of his essay was that no matter what kind of unfairness you go through in life, you still can be happy. Not to be mad at the world or to cry and feel sorry for yourself. His essay really spoke to me because from the beginning he had to overcome so much adversity just to do what most of us regularly, but yet Aaron can find happiness in his life.

    Kawika Wellington Pd.5

  41. Dear Ms. Carlson
    I agree with both authors because there both right, just like it says in the first story "Try to be happy within the context of the life we’re actually living"(Wayne Coyne) he saying be happy no matter what life throws at you, alson when it says "We then expect that if we treat others fairly, we will be treated fairly"(Aaron) in the second story, it was telling us the same message except with different words.
    My feelings on happiness is.. "you cant feel happiness untill you expierience pain"(Dustin Ikehara) but i like to think that im always happy but every gets mad all the time, but you kn "Everyone want happiness, no one wants pain, but you cant have a rainbow without a little rain". I feel happiness is a luxury not everyone can expierience.
    Dustin Ikehara Pd.4

  42. Dear Kawika Wellington
    i agree with you when you say "His essay really spoke to me because from the beginning he had to overcome so much adversity just to do what most of us regularly, but yet Aaron can find happiness in his life." i totally agree with you.
    Dustin Ikehara

  43. Dear Vance Kamibayashi
    I agree with you when you say.."Aaron looks at all the blessings he was given and doesn't complain about his physical impairment. But both of these essays say that happiness is a choice" i like how it says this in both of the storys.
    Dustin Ikehara

  44. Dear Ms.carlson
    Both authors talk about how people should be happy through tough times. they Also talk about how you should think of how the less fortunate still finds ways to be happy while we just sit back and complain.
    One difference between these essays is that in the first paragraph the author pitys the people then turns and starts becoming self centered such as when he states that why arent they looking at my car and thinking "I wish I had that"(Coyne).
    Aaron Salvador

  45. Dear Ms. Carlson
    My beliefs of happieness is the being able to overcome any obsticle in your life to enjoy the life, a life that is meant to be enjoyed.
    Sincerely Aaron Salvador

  46. Dear Ms.Carlson
    Both of the writtings have alot of similarities with justlittle differences. Both writtings talk about being happy even if your going through hell. There is only one difference between the both writtngs, The diffrence is that Coyne would want to suffer at some point in his life because he thinks his life is to perfect. I is hurt to see other suffer. The author that wrote Happiness is a choice' Had a much harder life then Coyne and would rather be happy because he never had so much happines in his life.

    After reading both of the writtings the way I thought of happiness totally changed, I now realize that even when times get hard , if you just fight through it you will find the ultiment hapiness

  47. Dear Ms. Carlson
    After reading both essays, I've found that they have more similar ideals than different. Both authors strongly believe that in oder to be happy, you must choose to believe that you are happy. As illustrated by Wayne Coyne, "..I understood we all have the power to make moments of happiness happen" he believes that we control our own happiness. Another quote from Wayne says, "Through the power of our own minds, we can help ourselves." Wayne's saying that if you can put your mind to it, you can achieve happiness! In the following essay, Aaron states that, "Having a positive attitude and being thankful for the blessings you are given is the key to being happy." In other words, Aaron is saying that you shouldn't take things for granted. These quotes all have a different approach in telling you that happiness begins with you!
    I strongly believe what both authors are pointing out. Happiness can be found within yourself. I also believe that a "special someone" can also bring out the happiness locked away within you!

    TJ West Pd. 5

  48. ultimate
    sincerley, Jeremiah Obrero

  49. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    In both essays, happiness is the topic that they have in common. It's also the perspective that both authors discuss the key to happiness. Wayne Coyne looks at two people from outside his car and wonders how they can be so happy when they aren't as fortunate to have a car like him. He realizes that they chose to be happy and smile on their own. Aaron writes that happiness is a choice and it is up to that person to decide. Although they have similar thoughts on what happiness is, the authors have different ways of obtaining it. Aaron believes that a person should be optimistic or look on the good side of things whenever something bad occurs while Wayne Coyne believes that to achieve happiness, one must work hard.

    My belief of happiness is similar to Aaron when he says, "I believe that being happy is a choice you make." It is most definitely a person's choice to be happy or sad, or any other emotion. You can't just force someone to be happy or make it a rule because then there would be no free will and opinion in this world.

  50. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    I think that both essays have many things in common but not a lot of differences. They both discuss how to be happy even where your at the worst times. The only difference that caught was that Coyne wouldn't mind putting on some elbow grease in his life because, he thinks his life is to precious for him when he sees other people suffer. The author from "Happiness is a Choice" had a harder way at life. Coyne and this author would rather be happy all the time then having to suffer more to be happy. The author Coyne says, " being happy withing the context of the life we're actually living", while the author from "Happiness is a Choice" believer that happiness is granted by choosing to be happy and being thankful for the things you got, than to just complain...
    Kristina R.

  51. Dear Aaron,
    I too agree with your defenition of happieness, i also think that being able to spent time with your family, and friends makes a big difference. But i also agree with the author that finding or being with that "special someone" can make a big difference in making you happy and enjoy life.
    Dereck Silva
