Master Feed : The Atlantic

Monday, August 22, 2011

Blog #4

Sarah Kay is the 22 year-old founder of Project V.O.I.C.E.(Vocal Outreach Into Creative Expression).  Click on the link above and listen and watch her inspirational Spoken Word poem and message.  The video is 18 minutes long; but it may be the best 18 minutes of your entire week.

Comment about something specifically that Sarah highlights--something that struck a chord with you--something that you can really relate to--and share it in the comment section.

Your response to me is due by Friday, August 26th.
Your response to two other classmates is due by August 28th.


  1. Dear Ms. Carlson

    The one thing out of Sarah's speech that struck a chord with me was being able to do the impossible. The reason why this one struck a chord for me was because it showed that even when times seem to be at their worst like, the Hiroshima bombing when everything looked like it wasn’t going to recover for another 75 years, that plants and life miraculously grew to life in the spring when everything was in ashes. Basically all she was saying, that I liked was that impossible things happen all the time yet if we try our hardest to overcome these impossible things that they will become possible.


    Spenser T.
    Period 6

  2. Dear ms.Carlson
    One thing that struck a chord with me was when you get knocked down and when you get back up it kicks you back down again but she kept when I couldn't catch a wave and kept getting pounded but I kept going and getting better and catching more waves.

  3. Dear Ms.Carlson,
    One thing that really struck me in this speech is how Sarah is able to do poetry and make it relate to her life in many different ways. I want to be able to think like her on how she says that when something brings you down just get back up and try again. So in other words just try and achieve the impossible and don't let anything get in your way of the things you want.
    Sincerely, Kehaulani Relacion Pd.6

  4. Dear Spenser T,
    You have the same interpretation of what i thought about Sarah. I like when you explain you go into full detail and your very passionate about your feelings while explaining it.
    Sincerely, Kehaulani Relacion Pd.6

  5. Dear Geordan Gray,
    Your explaination to this video was kinda like mine in a way. I really like how you gave an example to show how you relate to what Sarah said.
    Sincerely, Kehaulani Relacion Pd.6

  6. Dear ms. Carlson,
    One thing that struck a chord with me was never giving up. Even “when you get knocked down and you get up just to get kicked in the stomach.” no matter what anyone says that I can’t achieve I’ll keep trying to achieve what they think is impossible for me.
    Jaxey pd6

  7. Dear Spenser,
    I agree with you, impossible things happen every day. I think as human beings we strive to conquer the unknown and accomplish what was once thought impossible.

  8. Dear Kehau,
    I agree. We can accomplish the impossible if we just try and don’t let being knocked down stop us.

  9. Dear, Jaxey

    I’m glad to know that you agree with my statement (or actually Sarah’s statement) about impossible things happen every day, yet we try to conquer the impossible things to make them possible. However I also agree with your statement about how life would try to push you back, yet you can continue to keep pushing forward until you reach your goal.


    Spenser T.
    Period 6

  10. Dear Kehau,

    I am very touched to know that you appreciate my penmanship (The craft of writing), but then again that was what you were going for wasn’t it? With that aside I’m also glad to know that you want to become as skilled in poetry as Sarah is. So it was nice replying to you.


    Spenser T.
    Period 6

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. dear, Ms. Carlson
    One thing that she said that can really relate to me is; “when you get knocked down and you get up just to get kicked in the stomach.” because every time I make a mistake i fall, and end up picking myself back up, only to find another mistake. But by picking myself back up all the time i end up learning from my mistakes.
    Erika pd4

  13. Dear Spencer,
    I agree with you when you say "impossible things happen, and we try out hardest to overcome them and they end up becoming possible"
    Erika pd 4

  14. Dear Jaxey,
    I agree with you because that's the same thing I relate to, though my reason was kind of different then yours.
    Erika pd4

  15. Dear Ms.Carlson,
    The one thing that struck a chord with me was when she said "This world is made out of sugar it can crumble so easily, but dont be afraid to stick your tounge out and taste it." Her words expressed how i feel about life and taking chances and going for your dreams and whatever you believe in. Sincerely Lawson Fernandes Pd. 5

  16. Dear Jaxey,
    I agree with your comment that its trying to achieve the impossible because i believe in that too. Sincerely Lawson Fernandes Pd.5

  17. Dear EricaS, I agree with your comment that you learn from your mistakes because thats what lifes all about isnt it? Sincerely, Lawson Fernandes Pd.5

  18. Dear Mrs. Carlson,

    One thing that stuck a chord in me was "when you get knocked down and when you get back up it kicks you back down again" Such as when i played golf. I would play my friend and he would always beat me but I always try again

    Ken Miyata Period 5

  19. Dear Lawson,

    I agree with the statement that you chose because you should always try something that
    you want to chase.

    Ken Miyata Period 5

  20. Dear Kehau,

    I agree on yr statement on how she explains her poem with her personal life

    Ken Miyata Period 5

  21. Dear Mrs. Carlson,

    The one thing that struck a chord in me that Sarah Kay had talk about was the whole doing the impossible. It was invigorating to hear her say that because I too believe that everyone can do the impossible. After all, if one was to think that it's not impossible to the impossible, then that person would get very far in what he or she wants. For example, I always thought that I wanted to draw for a living when I was younger, but my parents didn't approve. They had said it was impossible to make a living off of just my drawings. I never listened to them and continued to draw. Now I am able to draw better than I had ever before and use my drawings to make a story. So I think that the impossible is possible.

    Jessica "Sora" Pasadava
    Period 2

  22. Dear Lawson,

    I agree with your statement on how she described the world as sugar. After all, everything around us does crumble, but can be very sweet.

    Jessica "Sora" Pasadava
    Period 2

  23. Dear Erika,

    I also agree with your statement about the whole getting knock down, you get back up. After all, what is life without a few minor set backs? We learn from our mistakes and continue to move on with our life.

    Jessica "Sora" Pasadava
    Period 2

  24. That was touching. I felt her passion. I think. But it was good. And yes poetic. Speaks. Thank you!
    By: Reese Hicks-Whetsel

  25. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    This was a very touching video. I'll be honest I used to watch videos from this site all the time. Anyway, what struck a chord with me was when she said that we need to be ready to just get back up after life pushes us down because life will be hard and it won't always be easy but you need to remember all the good times that have brought you to where you are today.

    Kichelle "Kirakai" Momohara
    Period 2

  26. Dear Sora,
    I agree with you when you talk about Sarah Kay saying to do the impossible because it's true as you say that if you let other people say you can't do something and you say you can't how will you know that you couldn't if you didn't try in the first place. My parents felt the same way about my writing stories, they thought it was childish for a teenager to write stories. However, I didn't believe them and though my grammar still needs improvement I've improved in my writing since when I first started.

    "Kirakai" Momohara
    Period 2

  27. Dear Ms.Carlson,
    One thing that really struck me in this speech is how Sarah Explained "This world is made up of sugar it can crumble so easy, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it". This quote meant alot to me because it's a true statement about life. Things will get hard at times and you will feel like you wanna just give up, because of how everything is crumbling on top of you. But that doesn't mean you give up, and don't keep trying, or aiming for the top of the mountain in life. So overall just try and achieve the impossible and don't let anything get you down and keep you away from the things you want.
    Sincerely, Adarah Fujita Pd.2

  28. Dear Lawson,
    I agree on your comment about reaching your goals. I also agree on your comment on what Sarah Kay had said in her video because it's completely true. Reaching goals is all about taking chances because how will you know if you can reach the goal or not if you don't try.

    "Kirakai" Momohara
    period 2

  29. Dear Kehau,
    i agree with you when Sarah can write her poetry is so many different ways. i would like to pick up a pencil and give it a try myself, and see how far i could go with my story.
    Sincerely, Adarah Fujita Pd.2

  30. Dear Jaxey C,
    I agree with what said about “when you get knocked down and you get up just to get kicked in the stomach.” You also explained that no matter what anyone says that we can’t achieve, that we will keep trying to achieve what we think is impossible.
    Sincerely, Adarah Fujita Pd.2

  31. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    Well the performance in its entirety struck a chord with me. This girl is phenomenal with an intricate mind and a fantastic ability to articulate. She is thoughtful and funny and charismatic and smart. Her outlook on life is extremely positive. She talks about the rainbow in the darkness and the new growth after the destruction and getting back up every time life kicks you in the arse. One thing that sticks in my mind are her words about rain boots and chocolate - chocolate to soothe the pain and the rain boots to protect you as the rain washes the pain away. The rain boots that begin to fill with disappointment give you reason to be thankful for the good things you've got. It's about the balance of negative and positive. She talks about looking at the world from views you wouldn't normally and being open-minded. She speaks of wanting to save everyone and make things better and understanding when the situation is larger than you are but still being present. I LOVED her words about the ocean kissing the shoreline even though the shore repeatedly sends it away. She's saying you must keep trying and you must move forward and not let the bad times hold you back, but instead they'll give you form and shape you into something beautiful. I could go on forever but I'm sure it will annoy my peers so I'll stop, but I am in love with this piece and I adore the artist and everything she says is significant. This is pure inspiration.

    Sincerely, Lisetanne Scherschel, Period 4

  32. Dear Sora,

    It is SO invigorating(good word!) to hear encouragement in a world so full of limits. Your story about drawing closely relates to what the Sarah Kay is talking about in her performance. It's a gorgeous thing to have faith in yourself and to believe you CAN and you WILL. Looooooooovely.

    Sincerely, Lisetanne

  33. Dear Lawson,

    It is indeed a fantastic line about how the world is sweet but it isn't consistent and it isn't solid, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take chances. Also, she really stresses following your dreams and what a crucial thing it is to enjoying that sweet sugar.

    Sincerely, Lisetanne

  34. Dear Ms, Carlson
    what struck me was when she said to never appologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shinning because it is like saying to never let anyone take away your ability to acomplish your dreams.
    Aaron Salvador

  35. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    The thing that suck out most to me was when she said "This world is made of sugar and can crumble easily, but don't be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste the sweetness" I really like that because to me, I feel like she's trying to say to not be so sheltered. Walk through life with open hands and you'll taste all the good things in it, even the bitter. But don't be afraid!

    Kahealani Ta'a
    period 2

  36. Dear Aaron,
    I really like that quote too. I also agree with the way you feel it means. You should never be sorry for the way you see the world and letting people tell you you can't do things.

    Kahealani Ta'a
    Pd. 2

  37. Dear Jaxey,
    That was another thing that stuck out to me too! I really liked that quote because I can relate to it. Even when life knocks you down and you get back up just to get hit in the stomach is like what you said, Despite all the pain life throws at you, don't be afraid to get back up and go on.

    Kahealani Ta'a
    Pd. 2

  38. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Something that struck a chord with me was how she could put stuck deep and emotional phrases into that poem. I really enjoyed that poem because she is mostly talking about how everyone has pain and no matter what happens someone, something or yourself will catch you, but something else will always knock you back down. I also noticed that she kept talking about how extravagant the world can be if you just open up.

    Kristina R.

  39. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    What really struck me was that when she said that when you get knocked down you get back up only to get knocked back down. but she never gave up. Whenever you dont get something or cant do something. you should always get up and trying again no matter how much time it takes. because you will eventually get it.

    Derek Yamane

  40. Dear Geordan,
    I agree with you becasue you had the same idea as me. you always have to get back up.

    Derek yamane

  41. Dear Spencer,
    I agree with you. impossible things can happen all the time just like in japan.

    Derek Yamane

  42. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    Something that struck me in this video was that the quote "when you get knocked down and when you get back up it kicks you back down again" really relates to me and maybe even everybody. Its like when i was playing soccer one year and we were last place with no wins. But when we still kept trying we actually got into the playoffs and won 2nd place. When we got into the playoffs, that was when i notice to keep trying like she said not to give up when getting pushed down.

    Edsel Lactaotao

  43. Dear Ken,
    I agree with you. My story kinda relates to your story but in golf.

    Edsel Lactaotao

  44. Dear Ms.Carlson

    "Your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain"- Sarah Kay. That statement caught me and it is what i agree with. I believe that no matter how many struggles and pains there are around the world, your bare hands will always be too small to catch them all.
    The second statement that caught me was where she said that "You put the Star in Starting Over". But the statement that i truly agree with is that "This world is made up of sugar, but dont be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it". If you dont stick your toungue out to find out the taste, then i dont think that you would know what kind of world that you are living in.

    Lina Fifita

  45. Dear Lisetanne,
    i agree on your statement. Sarah Kay is phenominal and with an intricate mind. She is very talented and she knows how to catch peoples ears and eyes.

    Lina Fifita

  46. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    This was super moving to me I could totally see what she was trying to say. One thing that she said that can really relate to me is; “when you get knocked down and you get up just to get kicked in the stomach.” because every time I make a mistake I fall, and end up picking myself back up. I may learn a small lesson but right after that I make another mistake. By picking myself back up all the time I end up learning from my mistakes. With every mistake I make I learn something new that helps to further my knowledge. This was super great I am glad you found it because it helps me think about everything that I am going through and the mistakes that I have made.
    Alexa T pd. 5

  47. Dear Jaxey,
    You have such great wording and I feel exactly what you are saying.
    Alexa pd.5

    Dear Lisetanne,
    I agree she is very talented and she knows how to catch peoples ears and eyes with her words.. She has meaning behind what she is saying and her wording is great.
    Alexa T pd.5

  48. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    The thing that struck a chord in me was when she was talking about how the world is like sugar. It can just crumble. It really made me realize that life can be very delicate. It is created but easily taken away. But she also explained how you shouldn't be sorry for being yourself.
    Kara Higa Pd. 5

  49. Dear, Kara

    i agree with your opinion, this world is just like sugar and life really can be delicate. And i also agree on how life and the world is created but it can easily be taken away.

    Lina Fifita

  50. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    One of the things she said that really stood out to me was "..this life will hit you, hard, in the face, wait for you to get back up just so we can kick you in the stomach." To me, this says a lot. It says that society will make it so things look as they seem. Sometimes in things in life will build you up just to knock you down, then you get back up, just to get your hopes crushed again. This poem is very inspirational though because she is implying that even though life can be pretty hard on you, you have to keep your head high and good things will come your way. I can relate to this a lot.

  51. Dear Ms. Carlson,

    This poem really had an impact on me; especially when Sarah said, "But don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining." To me, this meant that you should never be sorry for being yourself.

    Sarah Kay's poems really helped me to look at the bright side to all of the things happening throughout my life. I'm glad I was able to watch this. You were right. Without a doubt, this video was probably the best 18 minutes of my entire week.

    Kierstyn Oshita
    Pd. 2

  52. Dear Kara,

    You're right, life can be very delicate. It can be taken away at any time. We should look on the bright side of everything throughout our lives and enjoy every minute.

    Kierstyn Oshita
    Pd. 2

  53. Dear Jaxey,

    You're absolutely right, everyone should keep pushing and keep on trying to achieve their dreams throughout their lives. Even though it may seem impossible to others, we should keep trying, and hopefully prove them wrong.

    Kierstyn Oshita
    Pd. 2

  54. Dear Ms. Carlson
    The thing that struck a chord with me when sarah said the joke about the scarecrow being "outstanding" in his field (hahaha). Another thing that caught my attention is when sarah said "don't you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining." This caught my attention because I believe that you should always be yourself and not give in to the rest of the world.

    Kawika Wellington

  55. Dear Kierstyn Oshita
    I agree with you because you and me both had the same idea about the "don't apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop trying" quote.

    Kawika Wellington

  56. Dear Derek Yamane
    I also believe that whenever ever you can't do something, you should get back up and try again. If you don't do that you will fail at almost everything in life.

    Kawika Wellington

  57. Dear Ms.Carlson,
    I love slam poetry. Because you feel what she is saying. I also enjoyed the poetry about if she had a daughter. I thought her joke was funny.
    Sincerely, Lilia Yamamoto pd5

  58. Dear Kierstyn Oshita,
    I loved the quote you put in your comment. I have mutual feelings. You never should be sorry to be yourself!
    Sincerely, Lilia yamamoto Pd5

  59. Dear Reese Afroman,
    I felt from your comment that you truly appreciate poets. You obviously feel connected and feel what she feels.
    Sincerely, Lilia Yamamoto

  60. Dear Ms. Carlson
    PHENOMENAL would be an UNDERSTATEMENT for sarah kays speech!! It was outstanding and like none ive ever heard. She talks about life in such an optimistic way that makes YOU want to change the world! She knows that there will be hard times in life, its just what you do that makes a difference! One of the lines that got to me the most was "i can and i will" because you must believe in yourself first, then after you do, put it into action! i was very pleased with this video.

    With much appreciation,
    Penny Keough

  61. Dear Kawika,
    I also agree with you! you shouldnt ever let the world get to you, and better yet apologize for something that is so true; to you and everyone around.

    Penny Keough Pd5

  62. Dear Lilia,
    You are completely right! With slam poetry its not only words, its emotions. you feel it, you take it in, and it goes into effect right away! you practically feel everything shes saying! slam poetry is amazing and what shes doing with her life i cant put into words! i believe she has made a difference and will continue to be making that difference.

    Penny Keough Pd5

  63. Dear Mrs. Carlson,
    What really stuck out to me in this video was that Sarah, had three steps to make it and keep on going.They were; I can, I will and step three; knowing that you can write what ever you like. These three steps helped Sarah to become the writer and person she is today.
    Sincerely, Jordan Vernola. Pd.5

  64. Dear Penny,
    I agree with you 100 percent! She is so inspiring and she shows us that we can make a difference, and if we just believe in ourselves we can, and we will make a difference.
    Sincerely, Jordan Vernola.

  65. Dear Kara Higa,
    I agree with you and I thought it was a good example how she explained the world and how it is delicate and the only way you can experience it, is it you just taste it.
    Sincerely, Jordan Vernola

  66. Dear Penny,
    I agree that it was a phenominal speech and that the words "I can and I will" are very powerful if you belive in yourself. Once you put it into action there is nothing you can't do.
    Kara Higa pd. 5

  67. Dear Jordan,
    Those three steps in the video stuck out to me too. Just not as much. They are still strong steps though. You can't just give up if you rally want it.
    Kara Higa pd.5

  68. Dear Spencer,
    I agree with you when you say "if we try our hardest to overcome these impossible things that they will become possible." She was very inspirational and definitely implied this in her speaking.
    Evangeline Cook

  69. Dear Jaxey,
    See, this is the same thing that struck a chord for me. The fact that the world can be really harsh on you sometimes, but you just need to get up and keep going. Don't give up even when everything is against you.
    Evangeline Cook

  70. Dear Derek
    I also agree with you because because you cant achieve anything by giving up.

  71. Dear kahea
    I agree with you because we will all go through good and bad times, its just the way it is, people cant fear anything. just charge large.

  72. Dear Derek
    I also agree with you because anything can be accomplished without giving up, and trying.

  73. Dear Angelica Pearson,
    Yes, it was very poetic.
    Gianne Pabustan

    Dear Jordan,
    those 3 steps have also stuck to me. Writing poems have made her into such a motivating person.
    Gianne Pabustan

  74. Dear Ms. carlson
    The one thing i found that stuck out was in the beging were she said that life knocks you down and waits for you to get up and just to kick you.I find that ture.

  75. Dear Kmiyata
    I agree with you.

  76. Dear kirsten.
    i agree with your statment.

  77. Dear Ms. Carlson,
    "There is nothing more beautiful than the ocean refusing to stop kissing the shoreline no matter how many times it's sent away." I love this metaphor of never giving up. It's good for motivation!
    Gianne Pabustan

    Please note that Gianne emailed me her response and I am now just posting it.

  78. Dear Ms. Carlson
    What really stuck out to me was that Sarah used poetry to solve her problems. As she writes, she addresses her situation, then looks back and finds a solution. If no solution is found then she's left with another poem!

    TJ West Pd. 5

  79. Dear Elactaotao
    I agree with you that you should never give up even you're getting pushed back down. That relentless drive will build yourself a sturdy foundation that will withstand anything thrown at you.

    TJ West Pd. 5

  80. Dear Kawika Wellington,
    I agree with you that you should always be yourself and shine!

    TJ West Pd.5

  81. Dear Ms.Carlson
    What really stuck out to me was that Sarah was a type of person that was fascinated with spoken poetry which she used to help her solve problems. Each time she would write she would look at her situation and then find a solution.
